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Redwood Park Academy


Class Teacher: Katie Kops

Welcome to Wedgewood Class one of our Key Stage 4 classes here at Redwood Park Academy.

Summer 2024

Wedgewood have almost come to the end of their school year and have had plenty to say about their time in Year 10.

The general consensus has been that they have really enjoyed being able to choose some of their subjects in their ‘Options’ lessons. These lessons have not only given them the chance to learn new skills and try different subjects but have allowed them to mix with other students from their year group, whom they may not have spent much time with before now.

A popular learning highlight has been the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Brandon said, “I got to go camping and learnt how to survive in the outdoors”

The students have enjoyed taking part in Photography lessons and also Media Studies lessons where the students visited the cinema. Kimmie said, “I loved my very first experience of watching a movie in a cinema“

Performing Arts has also been popular, with Wedgewood pupils being given the chance to perform live at the Guildhall in Portsmouth for ‘Dance Live’, and contribute to the set, videography and costume design.

Other favourite highlights include the Yr10 Residential, where the pupils were able to try Zip Lining, Skiing and Crazy Golf. Students have also mentioned Kayaking and learning First Aid as being especially fun and interesting.

Wedgewood students are thinking about Yr11 also citing ‘Leaving school’ and ‘Preparing for College’ as things that they are especially keen to do.


Autumn 2023

Wedgewood are very excited to start the new school year and enjoy the fabulous activities that we have planned for them!

Wedgewood are a group of 11 students who know each other very well and are good at supporting each other, both in and out of the classroom.

The group remains together for another year with the addition of a new Class Team;- Class teacher Kate, and TA’s Lynn and Kevin.

We have already discussed lots of things in class….how we should behave around school and the importance of kindness to others for example. We also decided upon some special rules that we think are important to our class specifically, and we will be doing our best to follow them.

As Wedgewood are now in Key Stage 4, they have chosen ‘options’ for some of their lessons. Some have chosen Art, others have chosen Design Technology, Home Cooking, Photography and many other exciting activities.

The class have made a fantastic start to the year and their class team are very happy to be supporting this fabulous group of young people!