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Redwood Park Academy


Class Teacher: Charlotte Bleach

Welcome to Warrior Class one of our Key Stage 3 classes here at Redwood Park Academy.


Autumn 2024

The pupils in Warrior class have settled in well throughout the Autumn term, building great connections with each other, sharing new experiences and developing ambitions to reach their goals! Warrior class have got stuck into the theme of this term, ‘Festivals and Celebrations’. They have shown curiosity and enthusiasm in learning about different celebrations from around the world such as the Chinese Moon Festival, Diwali and Day of the Dead. The pupils in Warrior class thrive on routine and structure and we are noticing positive progress in their academic learning as they have now settled in to life at Redwood. This week in English, we started a new class book, Lubna and the Pebble, which tells the story of a refugee who shows immense kindness by giving her treasured pebble to a friend. Warrior class have fully engaged with the story's themes of kindness and friendship. This week, their swimming lessons have kickstarted and the pupils couldn’t have been happier! We think it’s safe to say that they all came out of their session happy and smiling, which was a joy to see.


Summer 2024

Warrior is a class full of energy, banter and creativity! We have had a great first year at Redwood with Charlotte, Tom and Dawn.

We have a had a very successful year, we have worked hard! Our highlights are all making huge progress in swimming, completing our first residential and we have enjoyed the food tech and DT lessons. The class particularly enjoyed their trip to Marwell Zoo! Next year, the class are looking forward to: residential, Redfest every year, more swimming and PE, using the Art room, doing more building in DT lessons.


This is what some of the pupils had to say...

Oscar - “We loved Marwell Zoo and Mary Rose Museum. Our residential trip to the Sustainability Centre was fun!’’

Alex - “I have enjoyed the Easter disco and doing the Christmas show.”