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Redwood Park Academy

Uniform Policy


At Redwood Park Academy we value our school uniform as a symbol of belonging to our school community.  We hope that pupils feel a sense of pride and belonging to our school.

It is our policy that all pupils wear school uniform when attending school.  However, we understand the differing needs of our pupils and believe that it is extremely important that pupils feel comfortable in school and wear clothes that support their sensory and physical needs, along with their own well-being.

All uniform should be in the colours listed below.  It should be plain and not contain logos / branding or any other colours.  It is not necessary for uniform to be embroidered with the school logo and as such items in the appropriate colours can be purchased from a wide range of retailers.

For families who would like uniform with the embroidered school logo on it, a range of items including sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts and PE kit are available to purchase through Hargreaves Promotions.  Hargreaves Promotions



School Uniform

PE Kit

Grey or Black Trousers

Navy Blue Shorts

Grey or Black Skirt

Emerald Green polo top

Navy blue sweater, cardigan or sweatshirt

White socks or football socks

Navy blue blazer – optional

Training Shoes

School tie - optional

PE Bag

White or Sky Blue polo shirt or short sleeved shirt

Swimming costume - black or navy blue

Sensible black footwear



Swimming bag

Jewellery: A minimal amount of jewellery is permitted. Pupils who have pierced ears may wear small studs but not hoops. All jewellery must be removed for PE.