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Redwood Park Academy


Class Teacher: Courtney French

Welcome to Seaside Class one of our Key Stage 3 classes here at Redwood Park Academy. 

Summer 2024

Wow the Summer Term has just disappeared! Seaside have been busy learning about our topic ‘Extreme Environments’. We have enjoyed recreating our own environments, working on our social skills. Seaside Class have also engaged in learning around sea pollution and had their very own ‘sea clean-up’ challenge!

Pupils have also been developing their understanding of healthcare services and how to access them. Seaside Class are now very good at making phone calls to ‘book’ appointments, recalling personal information.

Seaside Class have thrived in Maths and English this year, developing their reading, writing, communication and Maths knowledge and skills. Pupils have enjoyed hands-on learning where possible!


This is what some of the pupils had to say...

Seaside Class have done lots of learning off-site this year, with Teresa particularly enjoying the trip to Foxes Forest, Charlie loving the farm and Maisie thriving at Southsea Castle!