Work Related Learning
What is the subject objective?
Work Related Learning (WRL) became a statutory requirement of the Key Stage 4 curriculum from September 2004. Here at Redwood Park, we have been teaching this since 2004 but under many different many guises including Preparing for Work and Wider world. The subject objective is to use the context of work to develop knowledge, skills and understanding useful in employment. This includes learning through work experience, learning about types of employment, work practices and the skills for successful work.
We teach WRL through differentiated pupil programmes within the school environment to prepare for employability. Pupils will be supported to transfer and utilise skills within our local employer environment, with the aim to:
- develop the employability skills of pupils
- provide pupils with the opportunity to ‘learn by doing’ and to learn from experts
- raise standards of achievement of pupils
- increase the commitment to learning, motivation and self-confidence of pupils
- enable pupils to develop career awareness and the ability to benefit from impartial and informed information, advice and guidance
- support pupils’ ability to apply knowledge, understanding and skills
- improve pupils understanding of the economy, enterprise, finance and the basic structure of business organisations, and how they work
- develop and support pupils to access the community in which they live and to feel that they are valued members of our society.
- develop safe pupils who, through the quality of their learning experience, gain an understanding of the importance of health and safety and how hazards are identified. To know that risks are assessed so that they can play an active part in the process and acquire practical, transferable skills from the experiences they encounter.
How is the subject delivered?
Progress is mapped through Key Stage 4. Pupils are assessed and allocated a starting scale and the objective is to increase skills and experience to make those smaller steps and increase their progression through these tasks.
The WRL is only delivered in Key Stage 4 with each class timetabled a double lesson each week. To facilitate work experience, each class will be taken and supported at a local business for a ½ term on 2 days of each week.
We show sequencing of learning through our long-term plans. This document looks at the progression of skills through time. Pupils will have evidence of their work documented through our online evidence collection system.
Impact and accreditation
The impact of the curriculum can be demonstrated in the pupil's ability to manage tasks, not only in the workplace but also at home. The main aims for impact are outlined in the objective. We would expect to achieve these, and more. With the use of our subject progression documents, we can show that the pupils are making progress. At present we do not offer an accreditation for WRL, but it is something we are pursuing. A work experience certificate will be issued to each pupil who completed the work experience program. This will be helpful proof to employers that the pupils have gained this valuable life skill.
Reading across the curriculum
WRL provides many ways for pupils to practice their reading, including, reading job cards, both in typed text and using symbols, reading documents to help with their specific activities and reading messages people may have left about the jobs they need to complete.
Linking with our vision
WRL encompasses the school vision. It helps pupils communicate with people within a business environment, whilst helping with independence and looking at the prospects for a future life in work. It helps pupils to think about and experience their contribution to the local community through a work placement.
WRL is a vital part to the education of pupils especially those with SEND to give them an insight into the world of work and by giving them opportunities to apply the skills they learn at school to a happy and healthy future.