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Redwood Park Academy

Our Strengths

Our Strengths

  • Redwood Park Academy has a culture of high expectation, encouraging pupils to excel in all aspects of their development. The school has a rich and balanced curriculum with a focus on outdoor learning, preparation for adulthood, life skills and the arts.
  • Providing high quality learning and teaching is our main aim and our pupils are becoming increasingly confident learners, showing pride and enjoyment in their learning. They demonstrate increasingly high levels of engagement and independence and are enthusiastic about their achievements.
  • There is a whole school focus on communication, independence, and personal development, preparing pupils extremely well for the next stage in their lives. 
  • Our staff are highly valued, and we provide excellent staff development and opportunities to progress both at Redwood Park and across the Solent Academies Trust.
  • Our pupils enjoy school. They are resilient and contribute positively to their learning.  Engagement in a wide range of activities including out of hours learning and residential visits is high and reflective of the diversity of the school provision.
  • Opportunities for pupils to develop their cultural capital are excellent. The options programme for KS4 pupils are broad and encourage pupils to experience a range of opportunities to develop their interests ready for Post 16 provision. School trips, extra-curricular and residential opportunities also contribute to pupil’s development of cultural capital outside of the classroom.
  • Redwood Park Academy extends support to the wider community using a highly effective Family Support Worker and external agency support. As a result, family engagement with the school is positive and supportive.