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Redwood Park Academy

Young Person's Mental Health Event

Redwood park school had the amazing opportunity to attend a very important event at Portsmouth Guildhall.   Four pupils from Pupil Voice were selected to go to the Young Person's Mental Health Event on Friday 25th March 2022.  There were a number of secondary schools all around school that attended and shared their thoughts and ideas on what Portsmouth does for the young people.  They reflected on what is working well for young people and their mental health, as well as putting ideas forward for what they would like to see more of.  CAHMS, Portsmouth Council, KOOTH, UNLOC and Solent NHS were some of the agencies that attended and listened to what the young people of Portsmouth needed and what they wanted to see moving forward.

 Jake, Will, Keeleigh and Bannor enjoyed speaking to the other schools, sharing their ideas and being part of the Portsmouth youth community, where they mixed, engaged in conversation and put their ideas across.  They were absolutely taken aback by the professionalism they saw from other pupils giving presentations and really felt part of the team.  ‘Talk about inspirational’ was a comment made by Bannor.  All four pupils found the whole experience thoroughly enjoyable and cannot wait for the feedback and next steps.