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Redwood Park Academy

Looking to the Future

The pupils of the future leaving Redwood Park Academy will:

  • Have ambitious and realistic plans for their future lives with the skills to realise them
  • Be independent with the learning and thinking skills ready for adult life
  • Be working to the best of their ability in the core skills
  • Gain relevant and useful qualifications to enable them to move on to the next stage of their education
  • Enjoy learning and be motivated to continue learning when they leave school
  • Be able to communicate effectively with a wide range of people
  • Be resilient and able to manage change and cope well with setbacks
  • Feel confident, self assured and proud of their achievements
  • Be able to form positive relationships with other young people and adults
  • Understand what keeps them safe and well and make healthy choices
  • Support the values of the school and the community
  • Show respect to others, whatever their culture, religion, gender or sexual orientation
  • Understand what is right and wrong and make good choices

Our school will:

  • Have high expectations – a positive belief that ‘all’ things are possible
  • Adopt an uncompromising approach, accepting only the best quality provision for our pupils
  • Focus on meeting the individual needs of pupils through a personalised approach
  • Develop a workforce that is expert in meeting the wide ranging needs of our pupils
  • Create a climate for learning that is positive, stimulating, challenging, motivating, rewarding, fun/enjoyable
  • Create a ‘total communication’ environment
  • Respond positively to change, making the most of opportunities as they arise
  • Provide a safe, caring and welcoming environment
  • Create a learning environment that supports pupils development of resilience for wellbeing and learning
  • Create a healthy school environment that serves as a good example for our pupils
  • Be outward facing ‘connecting with the outside world'
  • Provide a culture in which staff act as positive role models for our pupils
  • Be a school where the promotion of equality, diversity and British values is at the heart of our work

We will achieve this by:

  • Ensuring strong, shared leadership across the school
  • Working together towards our agreed vision and aims
  • Making sure we provide high quality learning, teaching and assessment that truly makes a positive impact on preparing pupils to achieve their goals
  • Setting and monitoring challenging, aspirational yet realistic, achievable targets
  • Ensuring that the curriculum is relevant and provides continuity and progression for all pupils
  • Encouraging creative thinking, research and innovation to find the best ways of helping pupils to learn and communicate
  • Preparing pupils for the challenges of the modern world helping them to develop the skills to find their own solutions to problems
  • Ensuring the pastoral structure is strong, fully involves families and rewards pupil achievement
  • Providing a range of opportunities for pupils personal development in partnership with families and the multi-agency team
  • Using our focus on outdoor learning, PE and Sport to benefit the health of our pupils and their families
  • Sharing expertise within the school and with other schools
  • Providing opportunities for pupils to explore their feelings and beliefs
  • Ensuring pupils value each other’s views, know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and challenging negative attitudes and stereotypes