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Redwood Park Academy

Fratton Park

Class Teacher: Nicole Edgcombe

Welcome to Fratton Class one of our Key Stage 3 classes here at Redwood Park Academy.

Summer 2024

Fratton Park have had a lovely year settling into Redwood life and developing great relationships with each other, making long-lasting friendships. All of our pupils have developed great senses of humour and love to make each other laugh! The class have particularly enjoyed taking part in Project lessons, focusing on our topic “Extreme Environments”, especially making their own planets along with planet fact files, as well as making and exploding their own volcanoes! They worked brilliantly as a team to make the volcanoes and loved exploding them! Fratton Park’s favourite school event this year has been Playground Proms, especially when our class got to get up and dance with the musicians.

Fratton are really looking forward to more trips in Year 8, and all of our pupils have high aspirations, all wanting to be part of the Student Voice team and be Head of Year 8!

This is what some of the pupils had to say...

Joey - “I really liked being voted to be Head of Year 7, everyone in my class has been really kind. I loved the teachers and making friends.”

Maya - “I really liked when we threw aeroplanes for the D-Day celebrations and I have really liked my teachers and new friends.”




Autumn 2023

We are Fratton Park! We are a group of Year 7's who have just moved up to Redwood and have spent the last few weeks settling in and exploring our new environment! 

We have been learning a lot about each other and the routine for our new school and have made some great friends along the way. We have been enjoying learning about our Brilliant Bodies and are currently learning about our five senses.

We can't wait to see what the year has in store!