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Redwood Park Academy



The Redwood Curriculum

“Curiosity for Life”

The curriculum is highly personalised to develop the whole child, enabling them to be active citizens who are prepared for their future lives.

Care for self & others

Courage to be curious

Challenge ourselves


The curriculum at Redwood Park Academy is broad and ambitious. It has been developed from a foundation in the National Curriculum and is enhanced and structured so that it will embed knowledge, expand community and cultural opportunities.


Pupils receive core curriculum opportunities in maths and English and apply this learning daily in other areas of the curriculum. Pupils also receive HRE, PE/ swimming, outdoor education (including Forest School) and music sessions. Other subjects are used as the context in which pupils develop their skills for life, using their EHCP targets as a guide.


The curriculum is designed to provide pupils with a wide variety of experiences that develop social communication, confidence, resilience and independence promoting a curiosity for learning. The curriculum has been carefully designed based on the ambitious intent for the pupils, in collaboration with all staff. The curriculum offers lots of opportunities for enterprise projects, off site learning and real-life skill application.


Underpinning our typical curriculum is a holistic approach that includes the use of Thrive, sensory provision and other therapeutic approaches to build trusting relationships and allow pupils to thrive in all aspects of their learning.


Staff have together planned the curriculum topics, providing a basis for a wide variety of cultural experiences in school and within the community. These topics are planned in ‘Ideas for Learning’ in a thematic approach which ensures pupils receive a broad, balanced, exciting and engaging context in which to develop their EHCP skills.