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Redwood Park Academy


Class Teacher: Tabi English

Welcome to Clarence Class one of our Key Stage 3 classes here at Redwood Park Academy.

Autumn 2024

Hello from Clarence Class!

IT has been a busy half term so far with lots of learning In Horticulture, the class have been working to develop their weeding and clearing skills by collecting waste plant material for composting and removing snails from the beds for a snail race!

They have been enjoying Outdoor Education and took part in leaf printing where they used leaves and flowers from the wild area to print patterns on a piece of fabric to create a Japanese style bunting!

Clarence class also had a STEM lesson with  BAE where they learned how to programme a robot! This was amazing!

We are now looking forward to the rest of the academic year with many exciting and engaging learning opportunities ahead!





Summer 2024

Clarence class have shone brightly this year. We have been on a journey and learnt a lot. The pupils have worked hard on their team work and being a part of a community. We have been lucky enough to go on a residential and take part in all the activities there.

Through our adventures in and out of school we have so many highlights. From seeing the cows and all the equipment at the Farm to taking part in science experiments at the science Centre. Building on the friendships within the class has been the biggest highlight for all of us.

The class are looking forward to more adventures next year on trips and residential.


This is what some of the pupils had to say...

“The residential was really fun, especially climbing through the tunnels. I enjoyed having a giant sleep over with all my friends.”


“The Winchester Science Centre was really fun, would really like to go again! “