Careers Education
At Redwood Park Academy we aim to raise aspirations, challenge stereotypes and encourage pupils to spend time with their families and the multi-agency team to consider their options Post 16. Through careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) it is hoped that pupils will be encouraged to make the most of their talents and to continue their education Post 16. We aim to ensure a high quality of vocational and careers education for our young people with special educational needs, to be delivered in a meaningful and appropriate way for their needs and circumstances. Through person centred planning with the Education, Health and Care Plans at the centre, we support our pupils to articulate their aspirations for adult life.
In particular, we aim for our pupils to:
- Develop a broad understanding of the world of work and an ability to respond to changing opportunities.
- Develop research skills so that they can make good use of information and guidance.
- Develop and use their self-knowledge when thinking about and making good choices.
- Develop their understanding of employability skills and how to enhance these and evidence them at interview and discussions with Post 16 providers.
The Governing Body and staff are committed to:
- The provision of resources and advice to enable pupils to understand and develop career choices and to ensure that careers education is seen as part of the overall curriculum and learning framework for all years.
- Encouraging pupils to achieve and be ambitious.
- Involving pupils, parents and carers in the further development of careers work.
- Working with outside agencies so that no pupil is disadvantaged in gaining access to education, training or work.
Chair of Governors - Roisin Gwyer
Careers education includes both education and guidance. Careers education helps our pupils develop the knowledge and skills they need to make successful choices, manage transitions in learning and move into college or work. Through guidance, pupils are able to use their knowledge and skills to make decisions about learning and work that are right for them.
Year 7 and 8 |
Pupils focus on developing their self-awareness, identifying their strengths, their skills, and their areas for development. Pupils begin to explore the world of work through their PSHE lessons as well as through visitors coming into school and visits into their local community. |
Year 9 | Pupils consider their longer terms aspirations for the future and express this through their Education, Health and Care Plans at their transition reviews. This sets the structure and plans for the next key stage. |
Year 10 |
Pupils take part in a curriculum through which they develop a full understanding of their personal strengths and interests as well as their ability to communicate their views and make considered choices. Pupils have the opportunity to experience and engage in college life through the collaborative links that have been set up, and the classrooms that we use for education. Pupils have the opportunity to take part in work related learning through on-site work experience activities, enterprise projects and community projects. |
Year 11 | Year 11 pupils have opportunities to engage in off-site work experience placements as appropriate and gain an understanding of opportunities Post 16 to prepare for transition. They visit local FE providers and the transition programme allows them to experience a wide range of providers. |
Statutory requirements and recommendations
The careers provision at Redwood Park is in line with the statutory guidance developed by the Department for Education, which refers to Section 42A and 45A of the Education Act 1997.
This states that all schools should provide independent careers guidance from Years 8 -13 and that this guidance should:
- be impartial
- include information on a range of pathways, including apprenticeships
- be adapted to the needs of the pupil
In addition, the school is compliant with the careers guidance that the government set out for delivery from 5 January 2018: ‘Careers Guidance and Inspiration for young people in schools.’ This states that all schools must give education and training providers the opportunity to talk to students about approved technical qualifications and apprenticeships. Further information relating to this is set out later in this document, under Provider Access.