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Redwood Park Academy

After School Clubs

After School Opportunities

At Redwood Park we offer a range of After School Clubs 4 days a week on Monday, Tuesday,  Wednesday and Thursday from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.

Parents and carers are asked to collect their children at the end of clubs as school transport is not available at this time of day.

The clubs are a valuable experience for our pupils and provide opportunities to socialise, interact with other pupils and staff from across the school and to develop new skills and interests.  Clubs this year include swimming, music, drama, dance and football.

Do take advantage of this great opportunity

Redwood Park's after school clubs offers pupils the opportunity to extend and develop their skills within the activities they choose. The clubs aims to provide extra-curricular activities in which pupils are able to have fun and develop their confidence and independence, as well as help with practical, communication, leadership and teamwork skills.

Clubs run on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at Redwood Park and run from 3:30pm - 4:30pm.

The family sessions are run by the Family Support Team. If anyone is interested please contact Rachel McAlpine by calling our main line 023 9237 7500. 


 After School Club Programme